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Hail storm damage or wind storm damage help

If your insurance company denies your claim for hail storm or wind storm damage, it can be a very frustrating experience. In some cases, insurance companies may not accept a claim for a variety of reasons, such as the damage being too minor, or the policy not covering the type of damage in question. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to appeal the insurance company’s decision and get the compensation you are entitled to.Claims Services Department


Review Your Policy

The first step in appealing a denied claim is to review your policy. Make sure you understand the exact coverage you have, as well as the processes you must follow if you want to file a claim. Make sure you are clear on the exclusions, such as whether the policy covers hail and wind damage. In some cases, you may find that you are covered and the insurance company simply made a mistake.


Reasons an insurance claim can be denied

If you believe you are covered, the next step is to gather evidence to support your claim. Before filing a claim, it is important to document the damage and take photographs of the damage. This will help ensure that the insurance company can properly assess the extent of the damage and make an informed decision.


File an Appeal

Once you have gathered all of the necessary evidence, it is time to file an appeal. The specific appeal process will vary depending on your insurance company. Generally speaking, you can expect to write a letter to the insurance company claiming that their decision is incorrect and asking for a reconsideration. Be sure to include the evidence you gathered when filing your appeal.


Negotiate with Your Insurance Company

If your insurance company still denies your claim, you may be able to negotiate with them. In some cases, you may be able to get them to cover a portion of the damage or to cover additional costs. To do this, it is important to remain professional and provide evidence to back up your claims.


File a Complaint

If your insurance company still refuses to cover the damage, you may need to file a complaint. Most states have insurance commissioners that handle complaints against insurance companies. You can file a complaint with the state insurance commissioner in your state to get the compensation you are entitled to.


Seek Legal Help

If all else fails, you may need to seek legal help. An experienced attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Be sure to discuss all of your options with your attorney before taking any legal action.


Companies sometimes deny

Dealing with an insurance company that denies your claim for hail storm or wind storm damage can be frustrating, but it is important to remain calm and take the necessary steps to appeal the decision. By reviewing your policy, gathering evidence, filing an appeal, negotiating with the insurance company, filing a complaint, and seeking legal help, you may be able to get the compensation you are entitled to.